What Is Neurophysiology?

What is Neurology?

Neurology is a medical speciality which deals with physical disorders affecting the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves and muscles. Since the brain and nervous system control so many functions in the body, Neurology deals with a wide range of diseases including headache, epilepsy, strokes, multiple sclerosis, dementia Parkinson’s disease, pain, spinal cord diseases etc.

What is Neurophysiology?

Neurophysiology is a sub-specialty of Neurology. It is the study of how nerve cells (neurones) receive and transmit information. This information is most commonly either sensory (sensation in skin) or motor (control of muscle function) and impairments in the transmission of this information can lead to sensory and or motor impairment (numbness, tingling, weakness). Neurophysiology is the assessment of the electrical signals being generated in the above processes. Although the electrical currents/voltages are very small, it is possible to study the brain, peripheral-nerves and muscles by recording and analysing these electrical signals. This is done through neurophysiology testing. The above processes result in electrical signals being generated. Although the voltages are very small, it is possible to study the brain, peripheral-nerves and muscles by recording and analysing these electrical signals. This is done through neurophysiology testing.

When the above electrical signal reaches the end of an axon, it stimulates small vesicles in the cell. These vesicles contain chemicals (neuro-transmitters), which are released in between the neurones. These neuro-transmitters attach to receptors on the adjacent neurones, causing the adjacent cell to depolarise and propagate an action potential of its own.

The above processes result in electrical signals being generated. Although the voltages are very small, it is possible to study the brain, peripheral-nerves and muscles by recording and analysing these electrical signals. This is done through neurophysiology testing.

What is Neurophysiology Testing?

Neurophysiology testing enables the investigation of function of the spinal nerve roots, peripheral nerves and muscles to diagnose disorders of the peripheral nervous system (e.g. carpal tunnel syndrome).

Coastal Neurophysiology Performs:

Neurophysiology Reports

All studies performed are analysed by our Neurologist and a clear, comprehensive neurophysiological report is then provided to your referring Doctor within 24 hours.  Complex studies especially those requiring qEMG may require longer reporting and analysis time.