Authored by

Dr Michael A. Leitch & Mr Mark B. Wyatt

Conventionally, EMG traces are analysed using qualitative methods. This approach is highly dependent on the clinicians experience, skill and prior training, owing to the subjective nature of this particular technique. The corollary to this is that different examiners may reach different conclusions about the diagnosis when studying the same patient (Fuglsang et al., 1999; Johnsen et al., 1994).  Nonetheless, qualitative analysis does allow for overall judgments to be made that are useful in distinguishing normal from abnormal motor units (Richfield et al., 1981) and in detecting certain patterns which correlate to specific diseases. However, it is widely accepted that qualitative methods of EMG examination are limited for many reasons and in practice, they are correlated with other methods, eg. nerve conduction studies and clinical assessment. One problem is that the examiner is able to view only a “few” motor units at a time. This means that low-level motor unit activation patterns (MUPs) (recruitment patterns) are difficult to interpret even for the most experienced clinicians (Farkas et al., 2010; Adel & Stashuk., 2013). At low levels of activation, potentially important EMG patterns may be visible to the examiner for periods of 50msec or less, thus challenging even the best of experts. It is even more difficult to visually analyse the recruitment patterns in certain disorders, particularly myopathy (Preston & Shapiro, 2013). Secondly, determining the morphology of a motor unit requires assessment of its rise time, fall time, duration, peak area and number of phases/turns. Achieving this comprehensively (eg, assessing rise-times) is well-nigh impossible with conventional, qualitative methods. During a live tracing the EMG examiner must infer all of this information, which can be extremely challenging and as aforementioned, requires significant knowledge and experience. This can be compared with attempting to report an X-ray film or CT scan in just a few seconds and not taking the longer time to necessary to analyse it reliably. Lastly, qualitative EMG analysis often places too much reliance on the presence of single abnormal potentials while the muscle “as a whole” may be fairly normal. This is much more accurately characterised at higher-levels of voluntary activation, which is very difficult when analysing qualitatively (Krarup, 2016).

“Quantitative” methods overcome most of these problems. These methods utilise statistical and objective methods to interpret pre-recorded EMG data and permit all recorded MUPs to be “replayed” and analysed at leisure. One of the most apparent advantages of this methodology is the ability to quantify individual MUP parameters (Nandedkar et al., 1996; Roeleveld et al., 1997; Boe et al., 2005). Several systematic techniques have been used to evaluate the parameters of a motor unit in normal and diseased states. These parameters include: duration (Katsis et al., 2006), amplitude (Moosa and Brown, 1972; Bergmans, 1971; Mischelevich, 1970), rise-time and turns (Nandedkar et al., 1986), phases (McComas et al., 1978) and discharge rates (Zalewska et al., 2004 & 2005; Sonoo, 2002). These parameters are essential in discriminating reliably between normal and diseased or denervated muscles. The quantity of “usable” MUPs detected in muscle is reliant on the position of the examiner’s needle, as the varying degrees to which a disorder may affect specific motor units in a single MUP are not clear indicators of the actual state and should not be used individually. This is why a minimum of 20 MUPs need to be sampled in any given muscle (Farkas et al., 2010; Stalberg et al., 1996). Each of the 20 attainable MUPs is vigilantly analysed and the individual parameters are computed (Parsaei, 2010). These values can give crucial information about the neurological state of a muscle (neurogenic, myopathic or normal). Another parameter that can be analysed and graphed using quantitative techniques, is the interference pattern (IP). This is the sum of many MUPs firing simultaneously during maximal voluntary contraction (Finsterer, 2001). This parameter is particularly important when determining if a muscle is pathologically myogenic. This is due to the fact that in myopathy the MUPs have much smaller peak amplitudes and tend to be recruited simultaneously rather than in a progressive manner, following the size principle (Henneman et al., 1957 & 1965; Milner-Brown et al., 1973). Automated quantitative analysis was thus developed (Nandedkar et al., 1986; Stashuk, 1999; Stalberg, 2003). Another element to consider when comparing quantitative to qualitative methods, is the time needed for analysis. As described above, qualitative analysis is performed in seconds and once complete, the results are instantaneous. In contrast, the quantitative method requires detailed analysis of the EMG trace by a highly trained neurophysiologist. As detailed above, at least 20 individual motor units with appropriate rise-times are collected and analysed. Typically, this takes approximately 5-10 minutes per muscle, after which the report can be completed. This increases the time required for each EMG study. Nonetheless, the increased cost of equipment and staff time is justifiable, as the additional benefits of quantitative vs. qualitative EMG are significant.

Many modern NCS/EMG systems offer fundamental advantages of live rise-time calculation and display in live-time, while the needle EMG study is being performed. This particular parameter (rise time) is critical for ensuring reliable EMG data as it reflects how close the examiner’s needle tip is from an isolated motor unit – the greater the rise time, the further the examiner is from that particular motor unit (Stalberg et al., 1986; Barkhaus & Nandedkar, 1995). Recent advances in EMG software and technology have therefore enabled much more comprehensive analysis of EMG signals compared with previous qualitative methods. Not only are these advances in technology important in the diagnosis of neurological and spinal pathologies but they are valuable for those undertaking training in EMG techniques, clinicians and scientists alike. The diverse features available with new, quantitative EMG technology are impressive and will almost certainly continue to improve in the future (Farkas et al., 2010).


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