Quantitative EMG (qEMG) vs Qualitative EMG
EMG ANALYSIS: A SUMMARY OF QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE METHODS Authored by Dr Michael A. Leitch & Mr Mark B. Wyatt Conventionally, EMG traces are analysed using qualitative methods. This approach is highly dependent on the clinicians experience, skill and prior training, owing to the subjective nature of this particular technique. The corollary to this is […]
Diabetes and Peripheral Neuropathy
Is Diabetes Getting on your Nerves? Diabetes is one of the most prevalent diseases amongst Australian seniors, with the ABS reporting that one in six people over 65 are affected (this rate has doubled in the past two decades). It is the seventh leading cause of death in Australia and is a major cause of […]
“Double-Crush” Syndrome
All General Practitioners would be familiar with common peripheral-nerve disorders, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar nerve compression at the elbow and peroneal compromise at the fibular head causing foot-drop. Many Medical Practitioners are however less familiar with a condition known as “Double Crush Syndrome”, where peripheral nerves are compromised by excessive pressure at more […]
Hard Work and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
The reality of being a trades-person in Australia today is that you are more likely to suffer a work-related injury than workers in any other industry; with the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) reporting that more than one third of all workplace injuries involve the trades. Furthermore, from within a culture of “soldiering on”, 84% […]
Ulnar Neuropathy at the Elbow
Ulnar neuropathy at the elbow , or “Cubital Tunnel Syndrome”, is the second most prevalent form of peripheral nerve entrapment (after median neuropathy at the wrist) and occurs when the ulnar nerve becomes compromised at the elbow. The ulnar nerve is one of the three main nerves in the arm. It originates from the lower […]
“Invisible” Symptoms
Peripheral neuropathy (PN) refers technically to any condition arising from nerve damage in the limbs, but the term is mostly used in relation to generalised nerve damage, rather than disorders which affect only single nerves. PN has varying causes and symptoms including numbness, pain, burning and tingling. In some patients, it can be linked to […]